
Wedding photography contract template
Wedding photography contract template

wedding photography contract template

Your contract should also specify exactly what you will be delivering to the client once the shoot is over.

wedding photography contract template

This includes applying for the permits in a timely manner, as well as paying the required fees. Most photographers require clients to obtain any necessary permits. Permitsĭepending on where the shoot will take place, permits might be needed. The more detailed you can be, the better: that way, there won't be any surprises for your client and you're less likely to run into conflict over a misunderstanding or lack of communication. If there are specific shots that your client wants you to take, this information should be included. State when your services start, when they will end, and what you'll be shooting, and include a schedule or timeline so that everyone involved knows what, when, where, and how. It's important for your contract to set out the scope of the services you'll be providing, along with a schedule. If the event you're covering is a personal event, then in most cases your client will be an individual, but for commercial shoots, it's highly likely that your client will be a business rather than the contact person you've been dealing with. If you offer your photography services via an LLC (limited liability company) or a corporation, it's important that you use your company name in this section rather than your personal name. This section states who the parties to the contract are, and includes everyone's contact information. Whether you're utilizing the services of an attorney to help you draft your contracts or you're going with a DIY approach by using an online template, the following fourteen things should always be included in each of your photography contracts. Your contracts should include coverage of the specific and often unique circumstances of each event you're shooting. But it's important to use a contract that covers more than just the basics.

#Wedding photography contract template professional

Having a photography contract for each client is essential for professional photographers.

Wedding photography contract template